Friday, October 21, 2016

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Stages of Snoring and The Key to Snoring Treatment


Treatment for Snoring

You can stop snoring through a non-surgical way.

<Dr. Lee's Sinus School Column # 102>


It is only natural to minimize the Bernoulli Effect by expanding the constricted area of the airway where it creates the frictional sound.  To treat this condition, ENT focuses on the uvula that hangs loose as the cause, performing staphyloplasty: a surgical removal of the uvula. 
First up though, please watch this video, which tells the stages of snoring and see where you are now.
The tongue also has been subjected for snoring reduction. In more serious snoring cases, following procedures are performed: genioglossurs advancement, hyoid myotomy suspension, thyrohyoidopexy, hyoid myotomy, submucosal minimal invasive lingual excision.
There is also a surgical operation called, maxillomandibular advancement, to widen the airway. Continuous positive airway pressure can also be implemented as a non-surgical treatment to breathe continuously during sleeping.
Inherently large uvula or sagging uvula caused by aging can be surgically treated; the name of the surgery has been changed from uvulectomy to staphylocplasty as the later excision retains the shape of the uvula, greatly reducing the risk of chocking. There are people who were born with broad soft palate and long uvula. In that case, it can be observed they began snoring at a very young age. A surgery may be recommended in such cases. However, there is a doubt whether repeating staphyloplasty is appropriate for recurred snoring.
Often patients who had a staphyolplasty for snoring visit to the clinic. Those are the ones who suffer a relapse. Majority of them become stunned at the result which was more effective than harsh staphyoplasty, after their ventilation was restored in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. They became able to breathe clearly, indicating the sinuses and cavity free from any obstruction. This treatment eradicates snoring and ensures sound sleeping at night and clear breathing during the day.


I believe an appropriate snoring treatment should consist of restoring the ventilation in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses; the same method of treatment applies as being done in treating the rhinitis and sinusitis.

The treatment consists of blood-pricking in the nasal mucosa to decongest the nasal cavity and use suction treatment to draw any trapped pus to clear the sinuses. Once the nasal cavity and sinuses are cleared, patients can instantly find their snoring has been reduced on the spot.
Try to mimic snoring sound while breathing through your mouth. You might find the uvula vibrates and makes snoring sound. In this case, removing the uvula would reduce the sound of snoring (however, this surgery may end the snoring, but not mouth breathing).
Now, try to do it with your mouth closed. The uvula does not vibrate, but the sound is generated from the palate. The sound can be regulated by narrowing the nasal cavity, through which controls the air intake to make the palate adhere to the uvula.
The origin of the snoring sound is not around the uvula that has been removed; it is around the soft palate, the roof of the mouth. The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses which are located superior to the palate can be restored to their shapes, invigorating the sinus functions to clear the head and eyes, even brining relief to tensed neck and shoulders. --------> This is the key in treating snoring.
For more information please go to Dr. Lee's Sinus School Lectures on youtube
Buy a book that contains her 25years of experience in treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis.
About Dr. Lee

Dr. Woojeong, Lee (OMD) /CEO of Cosoom Oriental Medicine Network Clinics

Her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds.

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