Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Treatment of Sinusitis and Rhinitis through Acupuncture

Treatment of Sinusitis and Rhinitis through Acupuncture (Korean Medicine)

Dr. Lee Woojeong has been treating nasal problems for 25 years. While she was treating rhinitis, sinusitis and many other ent problems, she found out an innovative method that can heal those problems without getting a surgery. As a matter of fact, treating those problems clearly was regarded impossible both in Korean medicine and Occidental medicine field.

According to her you have to avoid sinus surgery and it can be healed through acupuncture.
The details are included in her recent book "the sinus school"

for your purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Sinus-School-Woo-Jeong-Lee-ebook/dp/B019B9NVOM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1450772371&sr=8-1&keywords=sinus+school

The Reasons to Avoid Sinus Surgery
For the mentioned reasons above, taking high dosage of antibiotics to treat inflammation does not improve sinusitis easily. Consequently, permanent surgical removal of the membranes inflamed by rhinitis is recommended. This, however, does not provide fundamental cure.
Fundamental cure may mean revitalized nose that can defend against colds and sinusitis. Observing many cases where people received surgeries, avoiding the common cold altogether is not possible.
The reasons are as follow: Neither the surgery strengthens the nasal mucosa itself nor enhances the body's immune system. Moreover, the most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Rhinitis treatment mainly employs acupuncture and uses a direct approach (Pricking therapy) to treat the swollen membranes as a surgery does. This acupuncture treatment is equivalent to microsurgery, however, no matter how advanced medical technology is, the treatment fundamentally differs from the surgical removal of inflamed membranes that is being done in the name of radical cure. The pricking therapy in the nasal mucosa is the treatment that revives the intrinsic functions of the nose.
Surgeries and antibiotics may decongest the nose, but surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa. On the contrary, pinpricking in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. It must be acknowledged that sinusitis surgery, which consists of widening the ostia in the paranasal sinuses to draw the stagnant mucus and removing of the thin walls of the nasal cavity, might unblock the nose, but it obliterates the critical function of the paranasal sinuses: anti-overheating device for the brain.
The most convincing reason to not to pursue sinusitis surgery is, however, availability of an alternative solution to invasive surgery that is far more satisfying and simple.
The head and nose suction therapy, that suctions fluid in the paranasal sinuses, is an innovative way of effectively treating sinus infection. Based on prior clinical experience, acupuncture and suction therapy are infallible cures for for sinus infection and the suction therapy provides a sophisticated means to do self-care for sinusitis.

Dr. Woojeong, Lee (OMD) /CEO of Cosoom Oriental Medicine Network Clinics

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