Saturday, November 7, 2015

Surgery is not the answer to your nasal problems: You can heal it using pricking acupuncture therapy (by Dr. Lee Method)

The Therapy Made a Great Progess
After turning the pages, the therapy made a great progress; a 3-hour round-trip daily commute to the clinic and home did not cause her to catch a cold. She finished her treatment in about 20 visits to the clinic.
She did not receive a surgery in order to treat her long time nasal problems. With her efforts and mine, trust between a patiend and me made a miracle, I believe.

Treating Allergic Rhinitis and Atrophic Rhinitis Using Acupuncture
 The condition induces hypersensitivity provoked by allergens, therefore, at the slighted attempt to penetrate the nasal mucosa causes sneezing. I have to wait for a few sneezes after a quick prick. Sneezing often induces splashing of blood and mucus.
Inflammation caused by allergic rhinitis is not confined to the membrane lining of the nose, but it is a systematic condition inducing itchiness and discomfort in other parts of the body, including the eyes, conjunctiva, throat, inner ear and even anus. Therefore, treating the nose alone does not improve the condition. Subsequently, people must be mindful of changing their physical constitution through what they have on their table. Unless its symptoms are severe, a careful selection of what you eat can drive out the symptoms from the body.
Accounting people with allergic rhinitis, many of them practice vegetarian diet already. In such case, a few quick needle pricking on the nasal mucosa to relieve blood stasis brought immediate changes as if it were waiting for this to happen. This is the most ideal case.
If not, most allergic rhinitis patients require 1.5 to 2 times more visits than chronic rhinitis patients.
The 3 common major symptoms of allergic rhinitis are transparent nasal discharge, sneezing and nasal congestion. However, clinical judgment being made during treatment is based on the severity of the sneezing. The frequency of sneezing subsides as the treatment progresses.
The dryness caused by under low secretion in the nasal mucosa and slight bleeding when blowing the nose are the symptoms atrophic rhinitis patients experience. Scatter-pricking the membranes reinvigorate their functions. Some constantly apply ointment, however this is not a fundamental approach.
The pricking therapy that rejuvenates the membranes is also applicable to other parts of the body. 

                    <Me with a doctor who participated in my nose pricking therapy session> 

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