Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Snoring can be cured through blood pricking therapy (Dr. Lee's Special)

Treating Rhinitis and Sinusitis: Surgery is Not the Answer

The most common nasal and sinus related disorders are rhinitis and sinusitis.
Those are ailments of the nose, which is centrally located on the face. Having the disorders, then, could be translated as the center of your life is disrupted.
Surely, those would not cause much concern, if they are healed properly. However, the problem lies in their intractability. A common cold can trigger the symptoms to recur and surgical operation might not be ideal, as it does not ensure complete protection from colds.
On Rhinitis

Rhinitis means inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Depending on the symptoms, rhinitis categorized into acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis.
Acute rhinitis may accompany the symptoms of bodily discomfort, slight fever, chills, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and headaches.
People may feel the burning sensation in the nasal cavity and rhinopharynx that stimulates the nerves of the nasal cavity to induce a fit of sneezing. After the phase, nasal discharge and inflammation of the nasal mucosa cause nasal congestion. Without having secondary infection, the nasal cavity returns to normal within 6 to 10 days. In the absence of proper treatment, there could be complications, including sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, and pneumonia.
The most common symptoms of chronic rhinitis include nasal congestion. Often, the nose gets congested one at a time, however, both sides may get congested in severe cases, induce mouth breathing. If this continues, chronic rhinitis is diagnosed.
Treating Rhinitis- Blood-pricking Therapy on the Nasal Cavity
Sinus cold includes the symptoms of inflamed nasal mucosa causing nasal congestion with extra secretion as big as the membrane inflamed. As a broken faucet, nasal discharge continues. The inflamed membrane becomes susceptible to the slightest stimulation, inducing sneezing. The color of the discharge changes from clear to yellow, indicating the progress of the severity of rhinitis. When the body's immune system runs at its optimal level, resting a few days restores the nose to its normal level and the body aches from a cold will go away. In other cases, the symptoms prolong and the nasal conditions would worsen.
Considering the circumstances, taking a few days of rest and get healed by itself would be the most desirable outcome. Irrespective of using oriental or western medicine, enjoying the desired recovery without discomfort is also ideal.
Prolonged inflammation undermines elasticity of the membranes, which in turn, leads to delay in recovery. Accordingly, acupuncture is recommended for both acute and chronic rhinitis. Even in an improving condition, using medications in conjunction with acupuncture further benefits to ensure complete healing.
In both types of rhinitis, blood-pricking therapy is the fastest way to reduce the swelling and the only fundamental approach to resolve blood stasis caused by repeated infections of the nasal mucous membranes. This applies to other tissues as well; it provides an effective relief to where affected by repeated infections and frequent overuse.
With utmost confidence, this is an extraordinary therapy which effectively restores the ventilation of the nasal passages and strengthens the nasal mucosa.

CEO of Oriental Medicine Clinic Cosoom, Dr. Lee Woojeong
For more information you can visit me my channel on Youtube
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