Through this blog, I would like to suggest the reason why such diseases as rhinitis and sinusitis have not been cured well, and provide various curing methods thru Korean Acupuncture. Visit me at
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Eco Village Life: My Eco-Village - Seonae Ville
It's been almost 5 years since I came to Goheung, which is at the South end of Korea. I never left my home town Seoul before I came here. Seoul is the biggest city in Korea, full of sky scrapers, cars and people. In the center of Seoul, I used to run a big oriental medicine clinic center. It was doing well.
A 20 year of experience as a doctor gave me a considerable fame and money. Does it sound snobbish? Yeah, I know but let me finish my story first. At the time I moved to Goheung, the Seonae ville, I planned to open several branches in Seoul. Yet, some questions came across my mind. Why do I need more clinics? For money or fame? As I was pondering on this issue, one of my close friends from meditation center called me if I had a thought to live in an eco-village that he was building at that time. I thought it was absurd. Me? Living in an eco-village? I never thought of living in such type of village away from city. My occupation, family, clinic and all networkings are in Seoul. If I have to leave the city, that means I have to lose everything I collected throughout my entire life!
Anyway, I moved to Goheung. Now I live in the Seon village. Today I am going to give you a brief tour guide to the community.
Seonae Eco-village
Welcome to Seon Eco-Village!
This is a soap making factory in the village.
All ingredients are organic.
Soaps made in village are sold in the market. They are famous amongst women
who are interested in their skin care!
Believe it or not, in the village we have a school. This picture was taken
when they went on a trip to Laos, Vietnam and Thailand as a means of learning
different cultures!
This is my favourite place in the village. It's handi craft workshop by carpenter Seo
Here he creates different types of furniture for villagers.
And this I proudly introduce.....our eco-toilet. You do not use water.
After you finish your work (you know what I mean?), put some sawdust onto the toilet.
Then it will become great fertilizer in a year!
Once a week, village people work together! Today we collected wood for stoves that
will heat the houses.
Monday, January 25, 2016
How to heal your nose (sinusitis, rhinitis, snoring and sleep apnea)
How to heal your nose
(sinusitis, rhinitis, snoring and sleep apnea)
Hello, are you having a wonderful weekend? Soon, another monday will begin.
Hope this week you are happy with your work, family and your plan.
Today, let me introduce my book on sinusitis, rhinitis, snoring and sleep apnea.
For 25 years I have been treating patients who suffer from those problems.
If you are one of those, you probably have been trying all kinds of methods.
In fact, medications or surgery is not a way to heal your problems.
Those can only stop the symptoms. Not the fundamental treatment.
If you read the book, your will understand why you suffer from those problems
and how to heal or improve the conditions.
About the book:
Book Description Sinus school deals with a comprehensive range of topics including: obstinate nature of nasal disorders, reasons for avoiding surgical treatment, the need and method of acupuncture therapy. The author, Dr. Woo Jeong, Lee (OMD), who has been dealing with nasal disorders for 25 years shares her own LWM Method she applied to her patients in order to treat ENT problems. In this book, she points out that you do not need to receive surgical treatment to cure nasal problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or snoring.
The most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.
On the contrary, her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. Needle-pricking therapy on the nasal mucosa can successfully treat nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and facilitates the recovery process without having a prolonged course of medicines.
Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing chronic rhinitis, by substantially reducing the swelling in the nasal mucosa. Besides, this book particularly arouses readers’ purchasing need, especially those who suffer from nasal problems in that the book introduces self-care remedies that you can practice at home using a suction device or by doing salt-water cleansing. According to Dr. Lee many diseases such as dry eye syndrome, otitis media, Meniere’s syndrome, headaches, the pituitary gland and sphenoid sinus, snoring and restless legs syndrome have often a lot to do with sinus disorders. Rich and specific treatment examples and clinical experiences included in the book will give you professional guidance in dealing with patients in the oriental medical field.
The link:
Friday, January 22, 2016
Publication on Oriental Medicine (Specifically Treatment of Nasal Problems)
Publication on Oriental Medicine (Specifically Treatment of Nasal Problems)
Let me know the book publication of Oriental Medicine on treatment of nasal problems.
This is a book that includes my 25 year of experience in treatment of nasal problems such as
sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal congestion, cavity and so on.
Many of my patients come to me after they received surgery due to snoring, sinusitis or
rhinitis. Korean medicine is a fundamental treatment that improves the condition of nasal problems.
<Dr. Lee Woojeong: CEO of Clinic Cosoom Networks>
The blood-pricking therapy
Treating Rhinitis- Blood-pricking Therapy on the Nasal Cavity
Sinus cold includes the symptoms of inflamed nasal mucosa causing nasal congestion with extra secretion as big as the membrane inflamed. As a broken faucet, nasal discharge continues. The inflamed membrane becomes susceptible to the slightest stimulation, inducing sneezing.
The color of the discharge changes from clear to yellow, indicating the progress of the severity of rhinitis. When the body's immune system runs at its optimal level, resting a few days restores the nose to its normal level and the body aches from a cold will go away. In other cases, the symptoms prolong and the nasal conditions would worsen.
Considering the circumstances, taking a few days of rest and get healed by itself would be the most desirable outcome. Irrespective of using oriental or western medicine, enjoying the desired recovery without discomfort is also ideal.
Reluctantly, repeated sinus colds decrease the efficacy of medications and increases the duration of the treatment. Sufferers often say, "It only took a few days to get healed with taking medications until last year, but they are no use this year."
I can confidently say with over 20 years of clinical experience of treating all types of rhinitis including, acute and chronic rhinitis; hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis; pricking the nasal mucous membranes is the most effective way of treating the affected nasal mucosa.
Its sponge-like tissues are prone to become inflamed with a slight stimulation. The membrane lining of the nose secrets mucus ceaselessly for the entire life and it can easily swell up than any other tissues in the body. For that reason, infection induces swelling to constrict the nostrils.
Although it is preferable to not to catch a sinus cold in the first place, but once contracted, it is at best to reduce the swelling of the membranes as soon as possible to retain its elasticity. The most effective and assuring treatment method is applying the blood-pricking therapy (or needle-pricking) on the nasal mucosa.
Prolonged inflammation undermines elasticity of the membranes, which in turn, leads to delay in recovery. Accordingly, acupuncture is recommended for both acute and chronic rhinitis. Even in an improving condition, using medications in conjunction with acupuncture further benefits to ensure complete healing.
In both types of rhinitis, blood-pricking therapy is the fastest way to reduce the swelling and the only fundamental approach to resolve blood stasis caused by repeated infections of the nasal mucous membranes. This applies to other tissues as well; it provides an effective relief to where affected by repeated infections and frequent overuse.
If you wish to know more about the therapy, the book is available on
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
environmental problems and rhinitis, sinusitis and many other nasal problems
environmental problems and rhinitis, sinusitis and many other nasal problems
It's been almost 5 years since I came to eco-village, leaving my metropolitan life in Seoul.
At that time, I was running a big clininc in the center of Seoul.
Received some fame as a doctor who treats nasal problems well and my method
to heal rhinitis was introduced an innovative one in the oriental medicine field.
I was thinking of opening several other clinics through my fame and method.
Then an enlightenment came that I have to share the method for others who suffer from
breathing problems without expecting anything.
By chance, my friends were building eco-village and asked me if I could join them.
When asked, I regarded the comment as if it were nothing to do with me.
Yet, as time goes by, that message came to me more strongly than ever!
Besides, I knew rhinitis, sinusitis or many other nasal problems had a lot to do with
environmental problems and I needed to show my patients that they need to change
their life style as well in order to treat the problem.
For a couple of months I was in agony, because it was not that easy as it seems to decide
to start a brand new life in a countryside, away from Seoul. The village was at the end of
Korea, Goheung.
5 years from now, I live in Goheung.
I became a countryside doctor.
Half of my paitients are farmers in their 70s or 80s.
They call me "baby."
When I had to treat old people all the time five years ago, I felt restless.
I realized I am not that special.
In terms of treating nasal problems, I might be a doctor with a bit of fame, yet
in terms of other diseases, I knew I didn't have enough treating experience.
Life in a countryside made me humble.
Life in nature made me how to thank everyday.
Thank you!
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Three Factors that Grow Your Inner Self
Three Factors that Grow Your Inner Self
I live in an eco-village. My clinic is near from the village. One thing special in my eco-village
life is that all village members do meditation regularly. I do Korean Seon breathing meditation
everymorning for 2 hours before I leave for work.
I met meditation when I suffer from my daily routine. I was satisfied with my occupation.
Whenever I see patients with nasal problems, my only goal is to heal them.
Yet, the problem came by chance.
I could no longer stand my daily routine.
Everyday I wake up around 6:30, have breakfast, go to work, come home.
Of course I enjoyed my work, but there I felt something missing.
I was depressed.
Some people might say, you are a doctor, have your own clinic, your patients respect you...what's the problem?
But I was so tired of my life at that time.
Then I met meditation.
Through meditation, I newly discovered the meaning of life.
It was nothing special but plain.
It is said there are three factors that change your inner self.
One is ennui.
When you are suffering from ennui, then you will find many ways in order to get out of this condition. You can choose to drink, smoke or to dance, meditate, do sports.
Second factor that can change your life is agony.
When you feel pain about your life due to various reasons, you will think how I can get out of the pain. How I can remove this pain. If everything's happy and you are satisfied with it, then you will just stay where you are. In that sense, you can see the positive point of the pain.
Third factor is meeting.
Throughout your life, you will meet many different things. It can be nature, a person or a god.
Through meeting, you can exchange many things with the opposite being such as different thinking.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Chronic Rhinitis & Sinusitis: You can heal chronic symptoms of rhinitis & sinusitis
Chronic Rhinitis & Sinusitis: You can heal chronic symptoms of rhinitis & sinusitis
The Reasons behind Difficulty in Treating Chronic Rhinitis with Medicines
We have looked at rhinitis at different stages. Rhinitis caused by nasal cold can be easily treated with conventional medications, however, the time will come when congestion cannot easily be resolved after recurring episodes. From thereon, seeking help from hospitals and medicine may fail to offer adequate solution. Why is that so? Why rhinitis became an intractable disorder?
Let's take a closer look at the aspect has been under a veil of secrecy: why chronic rhinitis is hard to treat with medications.
The nasal mucous membrane consists of sponge-like tissues, embedded with mucus secreting glands to keep the membranes moist. This also serves as the acceptor to receive odor molecules, moist controller and air filter when breathing.
If the membranes have no secreting function to keep the moisture level constant, the dryness in the nasal mucosa might cause a severe pain.
We need to focus on it consists of secreting tissues. This also could mean it can be easily inflamed to swell up. Therefore, infection in the tissues induces much larger inflammation compare to any other tissues. This in turn, increases their secretion, resulting continuous nasal discharge as a broken, leaky faucet. The constricted nasal passages become congested.
Drug treatment alone suffice to treat acute rhinitis at its early stage. However, recurring rhinitis diminishes the effectiveness of the treatments, patients do not feel their noses clear. Prolonged inflammation causes the nasal mucosa to lose much of its elasticity, however, there is more important reason.
This can be explained by the post-rhinitis swelling which remained inflamed to a certain degree. The swelling is not caused by an infection, but by remaining hypertrophic tissues.
If this repeats year after year, cold after cold, the hypertopic tissues accumulates to block the nose, which are hard to relieve with anti-inflammatory drugs. (The inflamed nasal mucous membrane secrets more mucus relative to its engorged state; this currently describes as chronic rhinitis.)
The limited efficacy of the drug therapy in treating the mucous membranes leads to volume-reduction treatments to widen the space of the nasal cavity. This would reduce the secretion and therefore, congestion would be resolved. Western medicine, therefore, has to offer no other than surgical options.
Alternatively, Oriental medicine provides a non-surgical solution, blood-pricking therapy on the nasal mucous membranes. Using a special bloodletting needle, slightly penetrate into the affected nasal mucosa to draw blood.
Gradually, the swelling subsides as the blood oozes out. Repeating the procedure assures the reduction of the volume to the desirable size of the membranes. Rather than waiting for the therapy to be performed as the last resort, when drugs fail to offer help, pricking the nose in advance, such as when contracted a cold, may save people from severe stuffy nose. This is an ideal as killing two birds with one stone, as acupuncture also relieves blood stasis to revitalizes the membrane.
If you want to know more about how to treat sinusitis and rhinitis throguh acupuncture, my new book
is available on the
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Year of the Monkey: Happy New Year for Everyone!
Year of the Monkey: Happy New Year for Everyone!
It is the year of the monkey.
2016 is year of the red monkey. The name of 2016 is
Every year when the new year begins, we wish everyone luck saying happy new year.
The most favorable words a few years ago in Korea was, be richer for the new year.
Yet things are changing very fast. Thesedays, the most favorable words for the new year's day for everyone is "be happy for the new year"
In Korean, be happy is haeng bok haseyo!
You say haeng bok haseyo to people around you in order to wish them luck.
Haeng means 'happiness'
Bok means 'luck'
Yet I believe you become happy by giving happiness to people around you.
So, it is something you give and then you become happy seeing others become happy.
It is not a thing you receive first.
I would like to say, you become happy by giving happiness to people around you.
What do you think?
By giving happiness around you, you become happy.
So everyone....happy new year for the red monkey year!
From Dr. Lee, Goheung
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