Monday, February 29, 2016

Common Myths and Facts about the Nose: Sinus Treatment through Oriental Medicine


Hello, Welcome to Dr. Lee's Sinus School
Here you will learn fundamental knowledge on sinusitis and rhinitis
and several methods that will heal chronic nasasl problems through
oriental medicine.

I am a graduate of Kyunghee University of Oriental Medicine Department, which is the
oldest oriental medical school in Korea and have been treating patients focusing on
nasal problems for 25 years.

Three years ago I opened up a sinus school and since then students from medical school, patients around the world and medical doctors participated in my sinus school camp.

Today let me tell you  about common myths and facts about the nose = )

Question: Can eye discharge be used as an index of nasal conditions?
Eye discharge must be looked for when the eyes are being examined. Particularly, if there are changes in the texture or the amount of the discharge, it calls for special attention.
If the discharge is severe enough to impair the vision, epidemic conjunctivitis can be suspected. Accordingly, the infection must be treated immediately. If the discharge resembles yellowish pus, it is most likely to be acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. In severe cases, blood is detected in the discharge.
In case of tiny lumps developed around the eyes and heavy eye discharge accounted, allergic conjunctivitis might be suspected.
As seen above, eye discharge can develop under many different conditions and its appearances may vary as well. In other words, eye discharge is developed by an infection in the conjunctiva and it could be an index to determine the condition of the eye.
But what we would like to discuss now is the usual eye discharge we have in our ordinary days. People with frequent eye discharge assume others might have the same problem. It becomes a habit that they remove their eye discharge first in the morning.
It can be seen children having more than usual amount of discharge when they caught the common cold. When sinus cold disappears, the eye discharge goes away at the same time. This means the eye discharge is not different from nasal discharge or crust in their composition.
Previously, we have covered the lacrimal drift is connected with the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, draining water from the eyes by air ventilation in the nasal passages and sinuses, making these truly a dynamic structure.
In cases of rhinitis and sinusitis, there are no negative pressure created in the lacrimal drift, making nasal secretion to back flow to the end of the lacrimal drift. When it dries up by the body heat, it becomes yellowish crust. Eye discharge is neither a byproduct of tear nor dust in the air. It is the mucus secreted from the nasal mucosa flowed backward and dried up.
This happens subtly over night and we see the final product in the morning around the eyes. This is a proof of blocked paranasal sinuses. So this could be interpreted as a dysfunction of the paranasal sinuses, not the lacrimal drift itself.
The sinuses are congested, being inadequate to generate negative pressure in the lacrimal drift, hence, it causes the back flow. When sinus cold or sinusitis are severe, secretion in the nose flows backward directly, making a large lumps of discharge, but when there is no apparent nasal discharge is detected, the size of the eye discharge is smaller. This can be explained by "sticky" mucus from the nasal cavity flows backward and concentrates to become eye wax. Therefore, the eye discharge could be an indicator for the condition for the eyes but also at the same time for the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses as well.  
You can visit me in my clinic, located in
Goheung area.
Jellanamdo Goheung Podu myeon Jeongja gil 18
Tel: 82-61-832-6031
                                                                                    Office Hours: From Tues - Sun
전남 고흥군 포두면 정자길 18 
(전남 고흥군 포두면 길두리 1085-4번지)

TEL. 061-832-6030 

*방문 전 진료예약해주세요.

진료시간 화 ~ 일요일  오전 9시 - 오후 5시 ( 점심시간 12시 30분-1시 30분 )
요일, 공휴일  휴진 


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Clinic: Suffering Allergic Rhinitis

Welcome to Dr. Lee's Sinus School

<Headquarter, Cosoom Oriental Medicine Clinic Networks>

Hello, how have you been? Are you having a sunshiny week?

Today, I am here with a short video in which one of my patients who suffered from allergic
rhinitis. Here I will show you how he healed his rhinitis through LWM (Lee Woojeong Method).

With a couple of acupuncture treatments along with dietary treatment, he cured snoring and sleep apnea.

Okay, let's watch the video!

Did you enjoy watching the video and received what you want?

If you'd like to know more about rhinitis and sinusitis, please visit my youtube channel,

You can join my facebook society,

The Society for Non-Invasive Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy (SNSSAT) is a multidisciplinary, global organization dedicated to promoting advances in non-surgical treatments for snoring, sleep apnea, sinusitis and rhinitis. It is our aim to shift the current surgical interventions for the conditions toward non-invasive therapies.

Or you can simply buy my newest book on sinus problems that contains 25 years of experience
in treating nasal problems.

It is available on : The Sinus School

Friday, February 19, 2016

Sinus Problems: Remedies through Oriental Medicine

Sinus Problems: Remedies through Oriental Medicine

Hello, I am Woojeong Lee, oriental medicine doctor who has been treating sinus problems
for 25 years.

Do you have sinus problems?

Here's how to make your home kinder to your sinuses.

First, I realized nose has a lot to do with enviornmental pollution.
Thus, if you want to heal your nose, the best way is to move to a place where the air is clean.
My patients stay at my eco-village and receive treatment for about a week or so in my clinic, then I see their nose codition get a lot better. It is becausse your body has its own immune system. It gets
destroyed in a dirty area, by air pollution or stress.
Therefore, if you are put under an evironmentally friendly situation, the body recovers its immune system, then the nose also gets fine very soon.
                                                          This is how your sinus looks like
Treating Rhinitis and Sinusitis: Surgery is Not the Answer
As we have covered in the previous section, maintaining the good condition of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses are vital to our wellbeing.
However, the most common nasal and sinus related disorders are rhinitis and sinusitis.
Those are ailments of the nose, which is centrally located on the face.
Having the disorders, then, could be translated as the center of your life is disrupted. Surely, those would not cause much concern, if they are healed properly.
 However, the problem lies in their intractability.
A common cold can trigger the symptoms to recur and surgical operation might not be ideal, as it does not ensure complete protection from colds. Putting the methods and effectiveness of the conventional treatments aside,
I would like to introduce an alternative therapy consists of acupuncture, blood-pricking and suction, based on the unique advantage of oriental medicine.
So, first of all, if you want to better the condition of your nose, keep your nose cool, stay in an environmentally friendly area, humidify the air and ventilate your house!
Okay? it is so simple as this.
Keep your nose cool
Stay in an environmentally clean area
Humidify the air where you stay
and ventilate your house!

These are pictures taken at my eco-village. Breathe cool air from the picture.
 I love you!
From, a country doctor Woojeong Lee =)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Publication of Sinus school


Publication of Sinus school

It contains everything about nasal problems such as sleep apnea, rhinitis, sinusitis and so on. Dr. Lee's 25 year of experience invented acupuncture therapy that fundamentally cures your immune system and nasal problems. This book says in many cases, nasal problems have a lot to do with environmental pollution!


Sinus school deals with a comprehensive range of topics including: obstinate nature of nasal disorders, reasons for avoiding surgical treatment, the need and method of acupuncture therapy. The author, Dr. Woo Jeong, Lee (OMD), who has been dealing with nasal disorders for 25 years shares her own LWM Method she applied to her patients in order to treat ENT problems. In this book, she points out that you do not need to receive surgical treatment to cure nasal problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or snoring. The most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.

On the contrary, her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. Needle-pricking therapy on the nasal mucosa can successfully treat nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and facilitates the recovery process without having a prolonged course of medicines. Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing chronic rhinitis, by substantially reducing the swelling in the nasal mucosa. Besides, this book particularly arouses readers’ purchasing need, especially those who suffer from nasal problems in that the book introduces self-care remedies that you can practice at home using a suction device or by doing salt-water cleansing. According to Dr. Lee many diseases such as dry eye syndrome, otitis media, Meniere’s syndrome, headaches, the pituitary gland and sphenoid sinus, snoring and restless legs syndrome have often a lot to do with sinus disorders. Rich and specific treatment examples and clinical experiences included in the book will give you professional guidance in dealing with patients in the oriental medical field.



This book is avaiable on


Friday, February 12, 2016

Neck or Shoulder Pain Have Something to Do with Paranasal Sinuses

Hello, I am a country doctor, Lee Woojeong.

Some suffer from chronic neck or shoulder pain but cannot find the right answer, then please
check our if you habe sinus problems.

Neck or Shoulder Pain Have Something to Do with Paranasal Sinuses

Q. Does having a thick neck or having a shoulder pain have anything to do with the paranasal sinuses?
A. There are people who have thick neck. According to statistics, snorers tend to have thicker necks than most people. There is also study suggesting clear difference in the level of cholesterol and blood sugar between the people with different neck thickness.
Thick neck does not necessarily depend on weight gain. The skin on the neck does not have much fatty layer as in the abdomen area, but rather it consists of a thin layer of skin. Therefore, its unique feature does not allow you to store fat. In the neck, functional tissues, such as the ones who responsible for immune system: the lymph gland, tonsil and the ones responsible for secretion: hormone secreting thyroid, the parotid and submaxillary gland. Those are secreting tissues, similar to the nasal mucosa. In unfavorable environment, those secreting tissues swell up and carry out their functions. If this prolongs, the neck thickens gradually.
If you feel your neck has thickened over time, this could indicate your head is not clear. Treatments to vitalize the functions of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, which functions as the anti-overheating device for the brain, refreshes the head and enhances the blood circulation to the secreting tissues responsible for the immune system, in turn, overall improvement made to these tissues slim the neck down.
Observing hypertension patients, they tend to have thick flesh in the central part of their necks. They suffer from neck and shoulder stiffness and feel dull pain in the areas constantly, and over time those become hard and thick. Until the paranasal sinuses treatment came along, I employed cupping therapy. It relieved the tension but there was a rebound after several days.
But when the paranasal sinuses are restored to normal, especially the sphenoid sinuses that is located at the farthest backside, the stiffness in the neck goes away without treating the neck itself. Through clinical experience, many patients have experienced their flesh in the back of the neck reduced in size.
Many find the cause of the stiffness in the neck from having a wrong posture, but this new finding of obstructed sphenoid sinuses causing the stiffness open the new perspectives to assure direct and effective treatment.
Clinic Cosoom Networks (Headquarter)

Jeongja Gil 18 Podu-Myeon Goheung, Korea
It is nearby the sea, so you can breathe clean air from the sea.

Tel: 82-61-832-6030

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Introducing the Seon Eco-village #2

Introducing the Seon Eco-village

Those who often visit this blog might know that I live in an Eco-village.
I used to run a big clinic in the center of Seoul, the largest city in Korea.
There I usually treated patients with nasal problems. Patients who suffer from
rhinitis or sinusitis also suffer from low level of immunity. Actually this has a lot to do with
environmental problem. When I was little, the air of Seoul was fine. Therefore, those who suffer
from respiratory diseases were rare. This is one of the reasons I moved to country.

My clinic is located in the south-end of Goheung. It is almost 6 hours away from Seoul. A country like Korea, this is a quite a long distance.

Anyway, patients who suffer from rhinitis, sinusitis or snoring gets a lot better after they stay at the eco-village during their treatment period. Why? Respiratory diseases are a lot to do with environmental matters, thus when they stay in a clean area, it gets better very soon.

So, let me introduce my eco-village today. Yeah!

The Direction and Vision of the Seonae Villages

Here follow the direction and vision which the Seonae Villages pursue:

1. It is an ecological community. We are planning to solve the issues about managing one’s lifestyle based on ecological principles. For this, firstly we grow crops organically. Secondly, we build our houses eco-friendly way (such as eco-toilets and natural housing materials). Thirdly, we use alternative energy sources (such as sun rays and geothermal power). Fourth, we save and recycle the natural resources of the Earth (such as using rain water and recycling sewage)
2. It is a community of love. We are trying to live with love as our fundamental value by loving one’s self, nature, the world, Heaven and the Universe. In order for this, we are practicing the 11 Health Guidelines and 18 items of the precepts.

3. It is a community of spirituality. We are trying to live a life where we join in with evolution, which is the purpose of the creation of the Universe and human beings (the life that accords with the direction the Universe pursues). Recently, human beings spend so much energy and time on doing too many things in the complicated world, that they can’t pay attention to growing and enriching their spirituality. We don’t know why we were born, what we have to learn through experience on the Earth and what kind of life we should live. To attain this we do deep breathing training with universe energy as a daily routine.

4. In the time of emergency, Seonae Village will play the role of being the Green Base of the Earth. In preparation for the impending Peak Oil (oil depletion) and food crisis, which we don’t know when will visit us, we are trying to establish the system for a long-term food supply. To attain this, we are preparing for sharing how to preserve and store food for a long time to the world.

Besides these, it is a community which has the Seon culture contents with which to realize an art culture which is close to the human original nature, which contains the waves which can console and energize people’s mind. Also it is the community of alternative education and medicine. The Seonae Villages try to be a model that can be assumed by anyone as an adoptable form of life. We suggest a model of life in which humans can become one with nature, attain self-sufficiency in terms of food and power, have education that nurtures spiritualty and ultimately accomplish a beautiful completion by realizing life and death are consequently one. It will become the alternative space where the
language of human original nature, which can’t be understood in material civilization, is realized and we can make a breakthrough from the current situation of the Earth. The Seonae Villages will be on the frontline to share hope and will receive the new generation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Introducing the Seon Eco Village



Introducing the seonae Village

Today let me start my post by introducing the seonae village where I live.
Are you  ready?

Seonae Village – the village where people love human beings, nature and Heaven

The Seonae Village is the eco-community under cultivation by those wanting to heal their minds. At present, there are currently 12 eco villages around the world, with the oldest eco village being in South Korea:   Gidaeri Seonaeville.

The meaning of Seonae Village is a village that loves “Seon”.

The shape of Chinese character, Seon, signifies the co-existence of human beings and mountains; here the mountain signifies nature, the Universe and, furthermore, everything. We can say Seon is the condition where humans, nature and Heaven communicate and are harmonized with each other.

Consequently, we can define Seonae Village as the village where people love human beings, nature and Heaven.