Friday, June 24, 2016

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Vegetarian Diet and Sinus Treatment



Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Vegetarian Diet and Sinus Treatment

Treating my patients I see it has a lot to do with environmental pollution.
Patients suffering from allergic rhinitis.
Chemical Fertilizers, Agrichemicals, GMOs, and Seed Manipulation
So I recommend my patients during their treatment period
to stay at the clinic. This is located in an eco-village and patients
take in foods that village people grew without using chemical fertilizer and locally grown vegetables.
Watching my patients, I realized just to stay in an area whose air is clean and to take in vegetables, their health condition get a lot better and immunizing system recover fast.
Besides to that, I ask them to eat brown rice.  
Actually a lot of diseases are from your way of life style, environmental elements where you live and people you meet. Therefore, the best way to recoever it is that you find your original state back quickly.
It is go back to nature!

One of the reasons I decided to come down to a countryside,Goheung 5 hours away from
Seoul, the metropolitan city and built a clinic here. To emphasize how environmental surroundings
have effect on your life.
Korean medicine way of treatment is therefore fundamental. It helps you to recover your original condition back. 'Cause we believe humans have their own immune system in their body. My way of aupunture therapy to treat sinusitis and rhinitis is also to help you recover your original condition.
Thus, many patients feel their sinus got better. When treatment is done, I put emphasis on  management. How to manage your sinus in your daily life is also a course of treatment. Actually, I guess it is more important thant treatment itself. You should become the doctor of your own body. Okay?
Then, here is Dr. Lee's Self Sinus Remedy
Fill a syringe with warm salt water.
Tilt your head so that one nostril is pointed down toward the sink and insert the tip of the syringe into your nose.
Gently squeeze the syringe.
The salt water goes into the nose and drains out the same way and exits to the sink. Occasionally, some portion of the water passes through the other side of the nose. Any water that goes to the back of the throat should be spit out.
Repeat on the other side in the same way.
Q & A 
Where does the salt water go?
Most of it goes into the nasal cavity and comes straight out. It is rare that water gets into the paranasal sinuses. There may be a small amount of water gets into the sinuses, however, it does not cause concern. Suctioning after a nasal irrigation is proven to be very refreshing.
What should I do about, using salt water still stings the nose. What should I do?
Adjusting the salinity of the water makes it easier for the nasal mucosa. Saline solution is particularly recommendable, because of its salinity replicates the mucus' natural salinity. Saline concentration at different level may irritate the membranes, prompting more mucus secretion. Therefore, it may require you to blow the nose several times after the flushing. So, it is best to wash your nasal cavity with appropriate salinity.
Would it be better to use distilled or boiled water?
Not necessarily. Salt added distilled or sterilized water is optional, not a must. Regular tap water is more than adequate and no harmful micro-organisms would be introduced into the nose. For first time, using saline solution being sold at pharmacy is recommendable. Use it until your mucosa adjust to the salinity level comfortably.
How many times a day should I do it?
When you first begin, doing twice a day is recommended; once in the morning and once in the evening. The membranes of the nose come in direct contact with the air, just as your face. Hence, it is good to be washed. If you caught a cold, you can do as many times as you want to clear your congested nose.
It hurts my ears when I blow my nose after nasal irrigation.
At first, you may feel your inner ears being stimulated by nasal irrigation, as if water got into your ears. Even so, you should continue to do it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. People may concern the water might get into the Eustachian tube to cause an ear infection. The fact is, when air is breathed into the nasal passages, it creates the air flow to drain out water from the Eustachian tube and middle ear cavity, to maintain an appropriate condition.
The temporary ear pain associated with nose blowing is normal. However, if it reoccurs every time when you flush or blow your nose, it warrants concern. This could be an inflammation in the joint area where the nasal cavity and middle ear cavity are connected or it could be due to the lingering effect derived from a past otitis media episode. The area that connects the Eustachian tube with the nasal cavity is likely to have a swelling, being overly sensitive to perceive stimuli as pain. In such case, it does not mean you should stop carry out but it is a sign that you need an appropriate treatment in that area. Panoramic acupuncture, which involves with penetrating a needle into the palate to reach the Eustachian tube, effectively treats the symptom. There are also people who reluctantly live with pain in the Eustachian tube whenever they yawn or swallow saliva. I can assure that these are also treatable.
If you are interested in self-cleaning method, please visit my youtube channel
Or for more informatino on eco-village
Dr. Lee's Book

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: You can make H2 Water @ Home

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: You can make H2 Water @ Home

Earlier I introduced self-remedies you can do at home for your sinus.
Today let me introduce how to make H2 water at home.

Radical Oxygen causes many diseases and aging to the body, and also shortens the longevity of materials. Then, hydrogen water can get a lot more attention to improve these state; however, hydrogen servers or makers are expensive.

 You can make it very easily with something that you throw away on a daily basis.

You can use either brown rice or polished rice. Rinse them well three times. Pour the rinsed water after the third time into a sealable container or a bottle in order to prevent exposure to air. Leave it for fermentation at room temperature for 24 hours. If you live in a tropical area, leave it for 12 hours. If you live in a cold area, leave it bit longer. By tasting, you will find the best timing. That’s it! You can make natural reduction water.
The best one has a beautiful fermented taste from the fermented rice water, and does not have a sour flavor or that of mere simple water.
*Please use it up within 48 hours since the effects will be lost after 24 hours.

How Amazing! – How to Use the Hydrogen water.

  • Prevent oxidization of your body which causes some disease by drinking it every day.
  • Use as a skin lotion and a bathing agent. It gives moisture to your skin.
  • Mix with warm water and massage your scalp as a substitute for shampoo. It can help prevent hair loss and the greying of hair.
  • Use as a mouth wash and tooth paste. It prevents the oxidization of your mouth and prevention of cavities, and smoothen the surface of teeth.
  • Use for house cleaning, and washing clothes and/or dishes. Without detergent, it refreshes things very well.
It is very easy to make, so please try it first! Synthetic detergents pollute the world’s water. If you replace it to this H-water, it will make the rivers and oceans cleaner, and you do not need to buy detergents and soaps because it is biodegradable.
How wonderful that we can totally utilize what we have thrown away every day!
The earth is designed to circulate and harmonize everything.

This content is from
I had a chance to know an international coordinator from konohana family a few years ago
at the international conference. I belong to an eco-village and it was related to international eco-village meeting. Their way of lives inspired me, so I am sharing this
new lettter with you.

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Sinus School: Weekend Program for Doctors with yummy Korean cuisine


The Sinus School: Weekend Program for Doctors


This weekend the clinic had a regular education program, the sinus school for omds whose clinic is part of the Cosoom networks. I provide a lecturing & treatment program for doctors who wish to treat
sinusitis, rhinitis only through acupuncture and vegetarian diet.

For two days, I gave a lecture on the reasons to avoid sinus surgery for new coming doctors.
It can be summarized as this:

The Reasons to Avoid Sinus Surgery


For the mentioned reasons above, taking high dosage of antibiotics to treat inflammation does not improve sinusitis easily. Consequently, permanent surgical removal of the membranes inflamed by rhinitis is recommended. This, however, does not provide fundamental cure.


Fundamental cure may mean revitalized nose that can defend against colds and sinusitis. Observing many cases where people received surgeries, avoiding the common cold altogether is not possible.


The reasons are as follow: Neither the surgery strengthens the nasal mucosa itself nor enhances the body's immune system. Moreover, the most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.


Rhinitis treatment mainly employs acupuncture and uses a direct approach (Pricking therapy) to treat the swollen membranes as a surgery does. This acupuncture treatment is equivalent to microsurgery, however, no matter how advanced medical technology is, the treatment fundamentally differs from the surgical removal of inflamed membranes that is being done in the name of radical cure. The pricking therapy in the nasal mucosa is the treatment that revives the intrinsic functions of the nose.


Surgeries and antibiotics may decongest the nose, but surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa. On the contrary, pinpricking in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. It must be acknowledged that sinusitis surgery, which consists of widening the ostia in the paranasal sinuses to draw the stagnant mucus and removing of the thin walls of the nasal cavity, might unblock the nose, but it obliterates the critical function of the paranasal sinuses: anti-overheating device for the brain.


The most convincing reason to not to pursue sinusitis surgery is, however, availability of an alternative solution to invasive surgery that is far more satisfying and simple.


The head and nose suction therapy, that suctions fluid in the paranasal sinuses, is an innovative way of effectively treating sinus infection. Based on prior clinical experience, acupuncture and suction therapy are infallible cures for for sinus infection and the suction therapy provides a sophisticated means to do self-care for sinusitis.
Haha! Not it's for lunch. When we have a workshop, our chef, specialized in Korean cuisine always
satisfy us with locally grown vegetables.
This is called kimbab and Tofubab.
Kim is korean version of dried seaweed and bab is Koreans' main dish, rice.
Doctors participated in the program half jokingly say they join the program due to
delicious food they can have during the program. = )


If you are interested in treating sinusitis taking an alternative solution such as Korean medicine, I recommend you to join my sinus school. At times I fly to the us and give lectures on my method at the us oriental medical schools.  My method is far more satisfying and simple that receiving a surgery.
contact me at or please visit
my facebook:




Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Stay & Healing Program


Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Stay & Healing Program

Hello, I am Dr. Lee, Ceo of Cosoom Clinin (Korean Medicine Clininc Specialized in ENT treatment)
As the clinic is located in the south-end of Korea, patients ask if there is any places to stay while
they receive treatment. My answer is, Yes! Don't worry about accomodations.
One of the reasons I came down to Goheung from Seoul is to let people know the importance of
environment where you live. Many of my patients did not suffer from rhinitis or sinusitis when
they were little. 10 to 20 years ago, most of my patients came to me to treat sinus infection.
Yet, now many of them are suffering allergic rhinitis, atophy, and many other respiratory diseases.
I guess it is thanks to environmental problems. As people hardly breathe clean air, their nose function got weakened. In order to strengthen its function, I realized we need to live on a simple life as we used to in the past.
Dr. Lee's Sinus School provides a program where you stay in an eco-village, located in Goheung.
Goheung is called "an art gallery without a roof," with its picturesque scenery. While you stay in
eco-community in the duration of your treatment, you will have meals for vegetarians. You will taste yummy Korean foods everyday! Actually, main Korean dishes are all vegetables. If you want to, you can learn some Korean food recipe from our chef!
Eco-Village where you stay during the treatment
 At sunset, you can walk around a beautiful mountain.

This is a handi craft workshop. We have a carpenter in the village.
He builds Korean traditional house, called Hanok and makes
furniture for us.
This is an eco toilet, where you don't use water.
You will know what I mean if you visit there. = )
Doctors Participated in the Sinus Program
When you become a member of Cosoom Networks, you will learn
my ent method (treating rhinitis without a surgery). Not only OMDs but phamarcists, doctors,
alternative medicine therapists come and learn LWMs.
If you are interested in more about sinus school and ENT method, please go to
and search "sinus school" It is the book that I present with pride for it is collections of my 25 years of experience as an ENT specialist.
Foos You Will Have
In the clinic, we have a Chef in Korean cuisine. She designs vegetarian meals for staff members and patients. Most of foods are locally grown vegetables and rice. Vegetables are delicious!
A varieyt of green salads
Cold vegetable soup

Tofu steaks and egg-rolls
So, are you ready to join Dr. Lee's Sinus School now?
If you suffer from sinusitis or rhinitis and need to take some rest, come to Goheung.
It is surrounded by the ocean and mountains.
Okay, if you wish to know more about your symptoms and how to cure rhinitis
only through acupuncture, please read my recent book, the sinus school. It is collection of
If you visit my you tube channel, you will learn how I cure patients with a variety of nose issues.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

DRY EYE SYNDROME: It's a matter of your sinus, not your eyes (Sinus School by Dr. Lee)

DES is a condition caused by a lack of moisture on the surface of the eye.
The cause of the dryness is the heat that dissipates moisture from the eye.
The heat evaporates the tear that lubricates the oscular surface.
When there are not enough tears, the eye becomes dry and cause redness and feeling gritty.
In worsened state, the eyestrain becomes constant whether the eyes are opened or closed. Sleep may bring temporary relief to the condition, but the eye fatigue returns soon.
The Signs of DES
At early stage, people are not aware of their bloodshot eyes. They only find out once they see themselves on the mirror. This, however, normally goes away after a night of sound sleep.
The body's anatomical structure is designed in such a way to effectively diffuse the heat generated from the eyes, in taking each breath. Therefore, frequent blood-shot eyes warrants attention. The increased frequency of bloodshot eyes may coincide with partially blocked paranasal sinuses. At this stage, the body can cope with it by inducing more fluid by blinking the eyes more often. Accordingly, frequent blinking can be a sign of early DES.
Here is the summary of how DES progresses.
Stage 1. More frequent blinking
Stage 2. More forceful blinking, involving the eyelid muscles
Stage 3. Frequent bloodshot eyes
Stage 4. Frequent eyestrain and display eye discharge more than others
Stage 5. Increased light sensitivity and soreness in the eyes  
Stage 6. Feeling burning sensation in the eyes when exposed to dry or polluted air
Stage 7. Eye sight becomes blear and deteriorate
Stage 8. Eye sight becomes foggy and feeling pain
Stage 9. Frequent infection in the eyelids
Stage 10. When woke up in the morning, the eyes are dry and red
Stage 11. Regardless the eyes closed or opened, the eyestrain remains
The number of patients who suffer from DES is rapidly growing. Several decades ago, when I was in college, the name DES was even unheard of, showing how rare this condition was. But in recent years, people who had no previous visits to an eye doctor, seeking medical help for DES.
As mentioned previously, DES is not an opthalmologic disorder, but an ENT disorder. While the growth of rhinitis and sinusitis make a steep angled increase lately, the growth of DES patients represents similar trend. The sales of artificial tears have risen sharply, depicting the increase in the number of DES patizzaents.
One thing I repeatedly learn from treating DES is that we are all victims of air pollution. Our reluctant generation has lost the privilege of enjoying the clean, fresh air. It is truly saddening to watch well treated patients can succumb to air pollution; air pollution can wear out the nose, and in turn, it undermines the function of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
DES was named, because people thought the problem was caused by lack of tears that keeps the cornea moist. But the treatment has been centered around treating the dried cornea. To say differently, DES is a disorder caused by lack of sufficient airflow in the paranasal sinuses that cools the heat in the cornea. Subsequently, the untreated heat dries up the tears and strains the surrounding muscles, causing the entire eye to be tired.
Some DES patients apply hot packs on their eyes to increase the blood flow in the region, but this must be discouraged. The tiredness in the eyes is caused by the heat. For the sake of the eyes, heat must not be used to treat the eyes. The heat that circulating blood can carry away is much smaller than the amount of heat applied by a hot pack, bringing no benefit to the eyes at the end. Staying long in a sauna not only fails to offer help, but it aggravates the condition. Applying a cold-pack, therefore, is much more preferable. The heat has been captured in the eyes for a prolonged period, which is a condition induced by blocked sinuses. One of the best self-remedies to cool off the heat is applying a cold-pack. 
If you wish to know more about your symptoms and methods to cure, please go to and find "Sinus School" =) You will receive information on variety of symptoms and results of rhinitis and sinusitis.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Sinus School Program: Environmental Pollution & Nasal Problems.

Sinus School Program: Environmental Pollution & Nasal Problems.

If you are worried to come down to Goheung, due to accomodation and food,
we prepared a program called "sinus school. "

For patients who live a long way away from the clinc, you can stay in the near eco-community
and live on a vegetarian diet. You can eat locally grown vegetables and rice every day while
you receive treatments, sleep in an eco-community.

Thesedays many patients who suffer from nasal problems are in many cases the result of
environmental pollution in their city lives. 10 or 20 Years, I could not see many patiets who
particularly suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis. Their sinuses become weak due to lives in a polluted cities.

Recently we had a sinus school program for 4 nights and 5 days.
There we had awesome vegetarian meals.

Yesterday we had kimchi, pickled peppers, seasoned soybean sprouts, cold and sour cucumber soup,
tofu steaks and fruits for dessert!

Three plates of tofu salad. Dressing is made of yuja(a kind of citron) juice.

Do you see tofu steak? It is no.1 beloved food by the guests.

This is called yakbab in Korean. It's flavored rice mixed with honey, soybean sauce, dates or chestnuts. It's really yummy!!

Come to Sinus School in beautiful county, Goheung. It's surrounded by south sea of Korea, many beautiful flowers and clean air.

If you breathe clean air in a countryside living on a vegetarian diet, I guess the disease will dissapear
without even receiving treatment.

The reservation is mande through telephone or e-mail.
Please email me at
or call me on the phone. 82-61-832-6030

Thank You