Monday, September 26, 2016

Dr. Lee's Sinus School #3 Self-Remedy for Your Sinusitis

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Dry Eye Syndrome (Am I DES Patient)

Dr. Lee's Sinus School

Eye disorders caused by rhinitis and sinusitis
# Dry Eye Syndrome DES: Ophthalmic Disorder or Nasal Disorder?
DES is a condition caused by a lack of moisture on the surface of the eye. The cause of the dryness is the heat that dissipates moisture from the eye. The heat evaporates the tear that lubricates the oscular surface. When there are not enough tears, the eye becomes dry and cause redness and feeling gritty. In worsened state, the eyestrain becomes constant whether the eyes are opened or closed.
The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses function as an anti-overheating device for the eyes. If eye strain is present, caused by DES, then it must observe whether there is sufficient ventilation in the cavity and sinuses. Once clear ventilation is restored in those areas, even serious cases of DES experience significant improvement.
Here is the summary of how DES progresses.
Stage 1. More frequent blinking
Stage 2. More forceful blinking, involving the eyelid muscles
Stage 3. Frequent bloodshot eyes
Stage 4. Frequent eyestrain and display eye discharge more than others
Stage 5. Increased light sensitivity and soreness in the eyes  
Stage 6. Feeling burning sensation in the eyes when exposed to dry or polluted air
Stage 7. Eye sight becomes blear and deteriorate
Stage 8. Eye sight becomes foggy and feeling pain
Stage 9. Frequent infection in the eyelids
Stage 10. When woke up in the morning, the eyes are dry and red
Stage 11. Regardless the eyes closed or opened, the eyestrain remains
DES should be distinguished into two: dry eye syndrome and extraocular muscle pain. The reason for the distinction lies in the difference in their respective treatments. The eyes suffer from DES are very sensitive; they are sensitive enough to determine their sizes, the location of the strained muscles and the degree of pain simply by interviewing the patient. It usually starts off from bloodshot eyes, then stiffness metastasize to the eyelids and the brow. This further develops into muscle strain in the same regions, indicating more serious DES. 
Typical Eye Strain can be relieved by taking a sleep, however, when this is not the case, such as having blood shot eyes shortly after waking up or right after waking up from a sleep, it is showing the signs of blocked paranasal sinuses. Overnight, the heat could not be released from the eye, but when the eye comes in contact with the air directly, it takes away some of the heat, hence, it lessens the redness in the eye.
 Interviewing a patient about the condition, the tiredness and color of their eyes, is a critical in making a proper prognosis. If the patient feeling the eyes somewhat replenished, the paranasal sinuses might not be completely blocked.
If the patient needs a splash of cold water on the eyes to start the day, the paranasal sinuses most likely to be completely blocked and requires more prolonged treatment.  
If you wish to know more about correlation with your dry eyes and sinuses , please look up the book, "Sinus School" which contains many treatment cases of patients I treated for 25 years, with focus on sinusitis and rhinitis. A lot of problems related to eyes were actually a matter of sinus problems.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Self-Remedy for Your Sinusitis: A Suction Device Is A Must-Have Item for Your Sinusitis

  Dr. Lee's Sinus School Column:

           <CEO of Cosoom Clinic Networks>

   Self-Remedy for Your Sinusitis: A Suction Device Is A Must-Have Item for Your Sinusitis
   Below video contains detailed information on self-remedy for your sinusitis. Please watch!

   I opened up a sinus school for those who want to treat their sinusitis at home,
   which is a self- remedy that you can apply at home.

   This video explains how you can blow your nose using a self-suction device.


If you wish to know more about rhinitis and sinusitis and how to cure those problems with Korean
acupuncture therapy, please go to and search "sinus school"

This is the book that contains 25 years for experience in treating rhinitis and sinusitis through acupunture therapy. I'd say, do not receive a surgery in order to cure sinusitis. LWM is a fundamental method that recovers the original condition of your sinuses.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dr. Lee's Sinus School #1. Never Receive a Sinusitis Surgery

The Reasons to Avoid Sinus Surgery
Taking high dosage of antibiotics to treat inflammation does not improve sinusitis easily. Consequently, permanent surgical removal of the membranes inflamed by rhinitis is recommended. This, however, does not provide fundamental cure.
Fundamental cure may mean revitalized nose that can defend against colds and sinusitis. Observing many cases where people received surgeries, avoiding the common cold altogether is not possible.
The reasons are as follow: Neither the surgery strengthens the nasal mucosa itself nor enhances the body's immune system. Moreover, the most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Surgeries and antibiotics may decongest the nose, but surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.
On the contrary, pinpricking in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. It must be acknowledged that sinusitis surgery, which consists of widening the ostia in the paranasal sinuses to draw the stagnant mucus and removing of the thin walls of the nasal cavity, might unblock the nose, but it obliterates the critical function of the paranasal sinuses: anti-overheating device for the brain.
The head and nose suction therapy, that suctions fluid in the paranasal sinuses, is an innovative way of effectively treating sinus infection. Based on prior clinical experience, acupuncture and suction therapy are infallible cures for for sinus infection and the suction therapy provides a sophisticated means to do self-care for sinusitis.
If you wish to know more about Dr. Lee's Sinus Treatment, please go to her youtube
Or you can read her most updated book on sinus treatment that explains her 25 years
of treatment in sinusitis and rhinitis. (

Friday, September 9, 2016

Treating Rhinitis and Sinusitis: Surgery is Not the Answer

Treating Rhinitis and Sinusitis: Surgery is Not the Answer


<Dr. Woojeong Lee say surgery is not the answer to treat rhinitis and sinusitis>

Rhinitis means inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Depending on the symptoms, rhinitis categorized into acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis.
chronic rhinitis: When Medication Does No Lunger Relieve your Symptoms:
Drug treatment alone suffice to treat acute rhinitis at its early stage. However, recurring rhinitis diminishes the effectiveness of the treatments, patients do not feel their noses clear. Prolonged inflammation causes the nasal mucosa to lose much of its elasticity, however, there is more important reason.
This can be explained by the post-rhinitis swelling which remained inflamed to a certain degree. The swelling is not caused by an infection, but by remaining hypertrophic tissues.
If this repeats year after year, cold after cold, the hypertopic tissues accumulates to block the nose, which are hard to relieve with anti-inflammatory drugs. (The inflamed nasal mucous membrane secrets more mucus relative to its engorged state; this currently describes as chronic rhinitis.)
The limited efficacy of the drug therapy in treating the mucous membranes leads to volume-reduction treatments to widen the space of the nasal cavity. This would reduce the secretion and therefore, congestion would be resolved. Western medicine, therefore, has to offer no other than surgical options.
Alternatively, Oriental medicine provides a non-surgical solution, blood-pricking therapy on the nasal mucous membranes.
You need no-surgical solution because blood-pricking therapy will help recover the symptoms of chronic rhinitis!!

<At the clinic cosoom, it provides the training program for doctors to treat rhinitis and sinusitis with a blood-pricking therapy>
Using a special bloodletting needle, slightly penetrate into the affected nasal mucosa to draw blood.
Repeating the procedure assures the reduction of the volume to the desirable size of the membranes. Rather than waiting for the therapy to be performed as the last resort, when drugs fail to offer help, pricking the nose in advance, such as when contracted a cold, may save people from severe stuffy nose. This is an ideal as killing two birds with one stone, as acupuncture also relieves blood stasis to revitalizes the membrane.
Dr. Lee's method, LWM, is considered the most innovative treatment that heals rhinitis and sinusitis only with a blood-pricking therapy in the Korean oriental medicine circle. She has 25 years of experience in treating sinusitis and rhinitis after she graduated from the Kyunghee university of oriental medicine. Those who recognized the effectiveness of her treatment receive training lessons every weekend at the Cosoom clinic. Those who graduated from her sinus school, are authorized with this treatment and provides LWM at their clinics.
If you wish to know more about her treatment, you can read her most recent book translated into Eng. on the www. amazon. com.
It's called " the Sinus School"
You can purchase the book on the www. amazon. com and if you wish to know more about her method, then you can visit her youtubechannel. You will no regret watching it.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Welcome to Clinic Cosoom, Korean No.1 Oriental Medical Clinic for Rhinitis and Sinusitis.
Dr. Lee has an innovative, non - surgical treatment that decongests your nose and ears. She has
25 years of experience in treating nasal problems and her method (LWM) is considered the most
innovative and effective way to treat rhinitis and sinusitis without getting a surgery. It is a fundamental therapy that recovers the original state of your sinuses.

An innovative, non - surgical treatment that decongests your nose and ears!

It is a saga that contains 25 years of experience in treating sinus and rhinitis by OMD Lee Woo Jeong! It is Condisered an innovative treatment in the circle of oriental medicine.
You can treat the nose (sinusitis, rhinitis, snoring, sleep apnea etc)
by a pricking your noce therapy.
Just by acupunture without getting a surgery, it helps you recover the original state of the nose.
About the Book 

Sinus school deals with a comprehensive range of topics including: obstinate nature of nasal disorders, reasons for avoiding surgical treatment, the need and method of acupuncture therapy. The author, Dr. Woo Jeong, Lee (OMD), who has been dealing with nasal disorders for 25 years shares her own LWM Method she applied to her patients in order to treat ENT problems.
In this book, she points out that you do not need to receive surgical treatment to cure nasal problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or snoring. The most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.

On the contrary, her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. Needle-pricking therapy on the nasal mucosa can successfully treat nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and facilitates the recovery process without having a prolonged course of medicines.
Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing chronic rhinitis, by substantially reducing the swelling in the nasal mucosa. Besides, this book particularly arouses readers’ purchasing need, especially those who suffer from nasal problems in that the book introduces self-care remedies that you can practice at home using a suction device or by doing salt-water cleansing. According to Dr. Lee many diseases such as dry eye syndrome, otitis media, Meniere’s syndrome, headaches, the pituitary gland and sphenoid sinus, snoring and restless legs syndrome have often a lot to do with sinus disorders. Rich and specific treatment examples and clinical experiences included in the book will give you professional guidance in dealing with patients in the oriental medical field.
for purchasing the book: www. and search the sinus school (Lee Woo Jeong)