Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Book Publication on Sinusitis and Rhinitis (25 years of experience in treating nasal problems)

Book Publication on Sinusitis and Rhinitis (25 years of experience in treating nasal problems)

Dr. Lee's Sinus School

This publication deals with a comprehensive range of topics including: obstinate nature of nasal disorders, reasons for avoiding surgical treatment, the need and method of acupuncture therapy.

Dr. Woo Jeong, Lee (OMD), who has been dealing with nasal disorders for 25 years shares her own LWM Method she applied to her patients in order to treat ENT problems. In this book, she points out that you do not need to receive surgical treatment in order to cure nasal problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or snoring. The most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.

On the contrary, her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. Needle-pricking therapy on the nasal mucosa can successfully treat nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and facilitates the recovery process without having a prolonged course of medicines. Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing chronic rhinitis, by substantially reducing the swelling in the nasal mucosa.


This book particularly arouses readers’ purchasing need, especially those who suffer from nasal problems in that the book introduces self-care remedies that you can practice at home using a suction device or by doing salt-water cleansing.

According to Dr. Lee many diseases such as dry eye syndrome, otitis media, meniere’s syndrome, headaches, the pituitary gland and sphenoid sinus, snoring and restless legs syndrome have often a lot to do with sinus disorders. With her own acupuncture therapy applied to the patients suffering from nasal disorders for more than 20 years, she proudly publishes the book – the sinus school.

Rich and specific treatment examples and clinical experiences included in the book will give you professional guidance in dealing with patients in the oriental medical field. LWJ method is said to have upgraded Korean medicine in treatment of nasal disorders innovatively and takes the center stage in treatment of nasal disorders of Korean medicine circle.

About the Author: Dr. Woojeong, Lee (OMD)

After graduating from Kyung-Hee University, majoring in Oriental Medicine, she has been treating patients based on otology for 24 years. Focusing specifically on the unknown nasal cavity and sinuses, she has researched fundamental treatment methods and has successfully treated patients with them. She is now actively engaged in training oriental medicine doctors of Korea and sharing her method around the world as CEO of Clinic Cosoom networks and the society for non-invasive snoring and sleep apnea therapy. 


Media Contact: YJ Kim, PR of the Society for Non-Invasive Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy








Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas & Wish you a happy new year



Hello everone!

Are you all having a nice christmas holiday?

In the Western society, this is the biggest holiday of the entire year, right?

In Korea, however, the biggest holiday is a new year's day.

As we follow a lunar calendar, usually the real new year of Korea is in February.


Hope you are having a nice and warm holiday with family and relatives.

Merry Christmas and hope you have a sinusitis free 2016 next year!!!


from Dr. Lee Woojerong (CEO/Cosoom Clinic Networks)







Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Treatment of Sinusitis and Rhinitis through Acupuncture

Treatment of Sinusitis and Rhinitis through Acupuncture (Korean Medicine)

Dr. Lee Woojeong has been treating nasal problems for 25 years. While she was treating rhinitis, sinusitis and many other ent problems, she found out an innovative method that can heal those problems without getting a surgery. As a matter of fact, treating those problems clearly was regarded impossible both in Korean medicine and Occidental medicine field.

According to her you have to avoid sinus surgery and it can be healed through acupuncture.
The details are included in her recent book "the sinus school"

for your purchase:

The Reasons to Avoid Sinus Surgery
For the mentioned reasons above, taking high dosage of antibiotics to treat inflammation does not improve sinusitis easily. Consequently, permanent surgical removal of the membranes inflamed by rhinitis is recommended. This, however, does not provide fundamental cure.
Fundamental cure may mean revitalized nose that can defend against colds and sinusitis. Observing many cases where people received surgeries, avoiding the common cold altogether is not possible.
The reasons are as follow: Neither the surgery strengthens the nasal mucosa itself nor enhances the body's immune system. Moreover, the most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Rhinitis treatment mainly employs acupuncture and uses a direct approach (Pricking therapy) to treat the swollen membranes as a surgery does. This acupuncture treatment is equivalent to microsurgery, however, no matter how advanced medical technology is, the treatment fundamentally differs from the surgical removal of inflamed membranes that is being done in the name of radical cure. The pricking therapy in the nasal mucosa is the treatment that revives the intrinsic functions of the nose.
Surgeries and antibiotics may decongest the nose, but surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa. On the contrary, pinpricking in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. It must be acknowledged that sinusitis surgery, which consists of widening the ostia in the paranasal sinuses to draw the stagnant mucus and removing of the thin walls of the nasal cavity, might unblock the nose, but it obliterates the critical function of the paranasal sinuses: anti-overheating device for the brain.
The most convincing reason to not to pursue sinusitis surgery is, however, availability of an alternative solution to invasive surgery that is far more satisfying and simple.
The head and nose suction therapy, that suctions fluid in the paranasal sinuses, is an innovative way of effectively treating sinus infection. Based on prior clinical experience, acupuncture and suction therapy are infallible cures for for sinus infection and the suction therapy provides a sophisticated means to do self-care for sinusitis.

Dr. Woojeong, Lee (OMD) /CEO of Cosoom Oriental Medicine Network Clinics

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Treatment of your Nose and Earts through Acupuncture(Korean Medicine)

Dr. Lee's Sinus School:

An Innovative, Non-surgical Treatment that Decongests Your Nose and Ears

through Acupuncutre!


Dr. Woo Jeong, Lee (OMD), who has been dealing with nasal disorders for 25 years shares her own LWM Method she applied to her patients in order to treat ENT problems. In this book, she points out that you do not need to receive surgical treatment in order to cure nasal problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or snoring. The most critical reason to avoid surgery is the permanent loss of the unique functions carried out by the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Surgical exeresis of the affected membranes results in permanent discard of the functional layer of the nasal mucosa.

On the contrary, her acupuncture therapy in the nasal mucosa is an innovative treatment that not only reduces the swelling to clear the nose but it also revitalizes the membranes to stand against sinus colds. Needle-pricking therapy on the nasal mucosa can successfully treat nasal congestion caused by rhinitis and facilitates the recovery process without having a prolonged course of medicines. Moreover, it reduces the risk of developing chronic rhinitis, by substantially reducing the swelling in the nasal mucosa.

This book particularly arouses readers’ purchasing need, especially those who suffer from nasal problems in that the book introduces self-care remedies that you can practice at home using a suction device or by doing salt-water cleansing.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Chronic Rhinitis

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Chronic Rhinitis

Hello, I guess there must be a lot of people who are suffering from rhinitis.
I will tell you difficulty in treating chronic rhinitis with medication.
In order to cure chronic rhinitis, you need a fundamental method.

The Reasons behind Difficulty in Treating Chronic Rhinitis with Medicines
We have looked at rhinitis at different stages. Rhinitis caused by nasal cold can be easily treated with conventional medications, however, the time will come when congestion cannot easily be resolved after recurring episodes. From thereon, seeking help from hospitals and medicine may fail to offer adequate solution. Why is that so? Why rhinitis became an intractable disorder?
Let's take a closer look at the aspect has been under a veil of secrecy: why chronic rhinitis is hard to treat with medications.
The nasal mucous membrane consists of sponge-like tissues, embedded with mucus secreting glands to keep the membranes moist. This also serves as the acceptor to receive odor molecules, moist controller and air filter when breathing.
If the membranes have no secreting function to keep the moisture level constant, the dryness in the nasal mucosa might cause a severe pain.
We need to focus on it consists of secreting tissues. This also could mean it can be easily inflamed to swell up. Therefore, infection in the tissues induces much larger inflammation compare to any other tissues. This in turn, increases their secretion, resulting continuous nasal discharge as a broken, leaky faucet. The constricted nasal passages become congested.
Drug treatment alone suffice to treat acute rhinitis at its early stage. However, recurring rhinitis diminishes the effectiveness of the treatments, patients do not feel their noses clear. Prolonged inflammation causes the nasal mucosa to lose much of its elasticity, however, there is more important reason.
This can be explained by the post-rhinitis swelling which remained inflamed to a certain degree. The swelling is not caused by an infection, but by remaining hypertrophic tissues.
If this repeats year after year, cold after cold, the hypertopic tissues accumulates to block the nose, which are hard to relieve with anti-inflammatory drugs. (The inflamed nasal mucous membrane secrets more mucus relative to its engorged state; this currently describes as chronic rhinitis.)
The limited efficacy of the drug therapy in treating the mucous membranes leads to volume-reduction treatments to widen the space of the nasal cavity. This would reduce the secretion and therefore, congestion would be resolved. Western medicine, therefore, has to offer no other than surgical options.
Alternatively, Oriental medicine provides a non-surgical solution, blood-pricking therapy on the nasal mucous membranes. Using a special bloodletting needle, slightly penetrate into the affected nasal mucosa to draw blood.
Gradually, the swelling subsides as the blood oozes out. Repeating the procedure assures the reduction of the volume to the desirable size of the membranes. Rather than waiting for the therapy to be performed as the last resort, when drugs fail to offer help, pricking the nose in advance, such as when contracted a cold, may save people from severe stuffy nose. This is an ideal as killing two birds with one stone, as acupuncture also relieves blood stasis to revitalizes the membrane.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Signs and Symptoms of Rhinitis & Treatment


Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Signs and Symptoms of Rhinitis  









<a clean sinus as this>


Kinds of Rhinitis are like as below

Acute Rhinitis, Chronic Rhinitis, Hypertrophic Rhinitis, Atrophic Rhinitis Allergic Rhinitis


What is rhinitis ?


Rhinitis means inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Depending on the symptoms, rhinitis categorized into acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis.


Acute Rhinitis


Acute rhinitis may accompany the symptoms of bodily discomfort, slight fever, chills, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and headaches.


People may feel the burning sensation in the nasal cavity and rhinopharynx that stimulates the nerves of the nasal cavity to induce a fit of sneezing. After the phase, nasal discharge and inflammation of the nasal mucosa cause nasal congestion. Without having secondary infection, the nasal cavity returns to normal within 6 to 10 days. In the absence of proper treatment, there could be complications, including sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, and pneumonia.


The most common symptoms of chronic rhinitis include nasal congestion. Often, the nose gets congested one at a time, however, both sides may get congested in severe cases, induce mouth breathing. If this continues, chronic rhinitis is diagnosed.


Hypertrophic rhinitis


It accompanies severe nasal congestion. Persistent chronic rhinitis that failed to respond to drug therapy to secure clear nasal cavity may be recommend for surgical treatments. 

Atrophic rhinitis


It  is caused by atrophy of the nasal concha, (or the turbinate) an anatomical structure inside the nasal cavity. Although the nasal passages are widened due to the atrophy, patients may still complain of nasal congestion. The sub-performing secreting glands of the mucous membranes may cause the patients to feel their noses dry.


Rhinitis sufferers complain 3 major symptoms of stuffy nose, nasal discharge, and sneezing that undermine their quality of life. 


So,when you suffer from should go to a clinic near the place where you live and cure the symtoms for your quality of life.


You have me, Dr. Lee, Don't worry. = )





Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dr. Lee's Sinus school: Environmental Pollution and Dry Eye Syndrome -They are correlated.



Dr. Lee's Sinus School - Environmental Pollution and Dry Eye Syndrome -They are correlated.








Recently the number of patients with dry eye syndrome has increased. Such patients were rare ten years. When I was majoring in medicine at the college, such symtoms were not treated with significance. However, I see those patients who suffer from dry eyes very often and I figure that it has a lot to do with air pollution. Your eyes can no longer maintain good conditions for your eyes because you are exposed to bad weather, air pollution and your mobile environment as well.
DES is a condition caused by a lack of moisture on the surface of the eye. The cause of the dryness is the heat that dissipates moisture from the eye. The heat evaporates the tear that lubricates the oscular surface. When there are not enough tears, the eye becomes dry and cause redness and feeling gritty. In worsened state, the eyestrain becomes constant whether the eyes are opened or closed. Sleep may bring temporary relief to the condition, but the eye fatigue returns soon. The retina constitutes over 100 million light detective cells and 1 million optic nerve cells clustered, processing the most amount of information per area in the body, consequently, it generates the most amount of heat.
The heat can be taken away by blood circulation, however, that is not enough in most cases. To cope with this, the eyes are attached to a customized cooling device for the eyes. The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses function as an anti-overheating device for the eyes. If eye strain is present, caused by DES, then it must observe whether there is sufficient ventilation in the cavity and sinuses. Once clear ventilation is restored in those areas, even serious cases of DES experience significant improvement.
Clinical experience reveals preadolescent children who suffer from sinusitis rarely complain of DES. It suggests the blood circulation of children is without impedance. However, when the demand on the eyes becomes increased (like when students prepare for college entrance exam), people start to experience eye strain and dryness. This is due by the heat generated by the eyes exceeded the amount of heat that blood circulation able to dissipate.
The cause of DES has been explained as lack of fluid supplied to the cornea or change in the constituents of tear, however, it would be more appropriate to define it as evaporation of tear caused by excessive heat in the retina.
The body's anatomical structure is designed in such a way to effectively diffuse the heat generated from the eyes, in taking each breath. Therefore, frequent blood-shot eyes warrants attention. The increased frequency of bloodshot eyes may coincide with partially blocked paranasal sinuses. At this stage, the body can cope with it by inducing more fluid by blinking the eyes more often. Accordingly, frequent blinking can be a sign of early DES. This, however, most people do not recognize themselves since it is carried out by an autonomic nervous system.
 In the case of constricted paranasal sinuses, the efficiency in convective heat transfer decreases relatively, causing strenuous blinking. In other words, the muscles around the eyelids are also flexing their muscles to blink. This is not serious enough to seek medical attention. Rolling the eyes while closed can relieve the eye strain easily at this point.


This will be continued. = )  

For more information on Dr. Lee's sinus school, please visit
Thank U