Sunday, November 13, 2016

Korea's No 1 Oriental Medicine Clinic for Nose: Dr. Lee's Sinuse School Column : Frequent Tonsillitis Breakout




Frequent Tonsillitis Breakout

How to Cure


Many people suffer from frequent tonsillitis breakout,  how do we cure it?  Do we need a tonsillectomy? Dr. Lee tells you things you need to know if you make up your mind to have a surgery. Your tonsil might be weak if you suffer from frequent tonsillitis, however you have to also watch your sleep pattern. You might be mouth-breathing while you sleep.


Here, Dr. Lee tells you about frequent tonsillitis and your sleep pattern. --> Click below




Q. Why tonsillitis occur so frequently?



Dr. Lee's Note:


The condition can be caused by either viral or bacterial infections. It accompanies high fever and severe pain is experienced when swallowing saliva. 


The tissue of the tonsils has the tendency to swell much when it is infected. It could even obstruct the airway of the throat, suffocation is possible.


While it may be possible to treat tonsillitis with medicines, however, would there be a radical treatment to deter its recurrences?


This certainly is worth pondering. Tonsillitis caused by infections may not be so serious when it is appropriately treated, but in some cases exposing to cold air can cause infection in the tonsils and making swallowing painful. There are also other cases where people constantly suffer from inflammation of tonsil without infections. Why the tonsils are so susceptible to inflammation and infections?


Chronic tonsillitis that comes with high fever or inflammation of the tonsils that may cause low degree fever has a common culprit: mouth breathing. Nasal breathing, in which inhaled air goes through the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, ensures the air is filtered, air conditioned and humidified before it reaches to the bronchial tubes and lungs. In this case, catching tonsillitis is rare. However, in mouth breathing, the inhaled air, often cold air, comes in direct contact with the throat, irritating the tonsils, making them prone to inflammation and engorgement. For this reason, such case of tonsillitis can be effectively prevented by treating rhinitis and sinusitis to restore the ventilation in the nasal passages and sinuses, so that they can function optimally to bring relief to the tonsils, bronchial tubes and lungs.


But the subject of concern is limited to tonsillitis in this section.


The recurring episodes of tonsillitis can be explained by the following. At the early stage, anti-inflammatory medicines can easily treat the infection within 2 to 3 days. However, the infection may have been gone while the engorged tissue has not shrunk back to its original size completely. (It is similar to that of burnt wounds, swelling remains for prolonged period.) When this repeats, the tonsils can even become big as a walnut. Enlarged tonsils are not inherent, but caused by repeated swelling induced by infections. This is called, Tonsillar Hypertrophy. The tissues of the tonsils in such case are not treatable with anti-inflammatory drugs, as those are not inflamed in nature. Therefore, the size does not shrink back.


This does not cause pain, but it is swollen more than the normal tissues. Therefore, fatigue or compromised immune system results in making the tissues prone to infections.


The essential treatment is to bring back the tissues to its original size to free them from infections, not the drug therapy that targets inflammation.


----> For frequent tonsillitis, surgeries are often recommended. But the needle pricking therapy on the tonsils is a safe and effective alternative approach. I have employed pricking therapy that the time has proven effective in treating frequent tonsillitis.


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