Friday, November 27, 2015

Dr. Lee's Sinus School: Environmental Pollution and Sinus Problems

Dr. Lee's Sinus School:
Environmental Pollution and Sinus Problems
"changing the physical constitution is the key."
Intakes of Brown Rice & Vegetarian Diet Will Improve Your 
Physical Constitution 
Hello. Are you having fun while working this week? Hope you do. = )
Today I would like to share my lesson on the correlation between environmental pollution and sinus problems. While treating my patients, I recognize the sinus problems such as allergic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis have a lot to do with environmental pollution. Amongst my patients, those who live in metropolitan cities such as Seoul, New York, Tokyo, Beijing or London and so on come to my clinic due to allergic rhinitis.
When rhinitis is associated with hypersensitive reaction, it is called, allergic rhinitis. Although it is treatable with pricking therapy on the nasal cavity, the disorder is a systematic disease. Accordingly, good nutrition plays a major role in improving physical constitution and cleaning the blood, hence it is worthwhile to reiterate the importance of meals consist of brown rice and vegetarian dishes.
Allergic diseases mostly arise from endocrine disruptor, an allergy causing substance which acts as an antigen, absolved by food intakes.
Among the other types of hard to treat rhinitis, why allergic rhinitis is much harder to treat? Both are characteristically similar, having inflamed mucous membranes in the nasal cavity. However, there are few fundamental differences.
Rhinitis is caused by infection causing airborne pathogens; they infiltrate into the nasal mucosa, inducing inflammation. However, allergic rhinitis is an antigen-antibody reaction; latent inflammation factors in the bloodstream break out when the outer condition is favorable, provoking instant inflammation. In other words, the cause of rhinitis lies outside the body, whereas the cause of allergic rhinitis can be found inside the body.
Drug therapy alone, no matter how much efforts were put into, found to be inadequate. A piece of wisdom I gained from treating and researching many years is rather simple, "changing the physical constitution is the key."
"changing the physical constitution is the key."
changing the physical constitution equates to changing the source of supply. This can be further translated into changing the blood by changing its source. Simply stating, it is changing the blood that contains allergic rhinitis causing constituents with the blood that is free from them. "Changing the blood, changes the physical constitution," is the simple summary.
This is to be continued.




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