Saturday, May 7, 2016

Fine Dust anf Nasal Problems: Acupuncuture therapy without receiving a surgery

Hi, everyone. = )

I am Dr. Lee from the sinus school. Thesedays Korea experiences a long holiday. In May, we have a children's day, a parents' day and a teacher's day. Like the name of each day indicates, we celebrate three special days in May. Therefore, May is called 'a queen of season.' Tomorrow is parents' day. I have two children. They are all going to medical school. Yes, it became a family buisness. I don't know if I ever get to see them.

Though the weather is so beautiful, thanks to fine dust, people refrain from going outside and
stay inside. If you breathe fine dust inside the body, it will cause problems such as a respiratory disease or enters circulatory system unlike other dust.

As I was growing up, there were not many who suffer from respiratory diseases. Thesedays, a lot of my patiens visiting my clinic suffer from snoring, sleep apnea, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and so on.
I feel nasal problems have a lot to do with environmental pollution.

The first way to treat the disease is that you control your health by doing regular excercises.
I live on a vegetarian diest with brown rice. Brown rice contains a lot of vitamin C and it helps
strengthen your immune system.

Though you live in a city, once or twice a week stay in a countryside whose air is cleaner than that of in a city. You can't never put much importance on air. The air you breathe and the foods you eat are actually what you are!

Today, let me introduce a case of a lady who used to suffer from allergic rhinitis. If you are worried about your allergic rhinitis and consider of getting a surgery, I recommend you to read this article first.

     A lady, close to sixty-years of age, with typical allergic rhinitis came to visit. Her sneezing came to ceases after 1 to 2 hours of constant sneezing in the morning and evening. It had been over five years bearing the agony and she abstained herself from taking medicines for the condition. She experienced intense headaches as a side effect from the medications. She demonstrated amazing patience on her first visit; I was able to thoroughly prick the membranes of the nasal cavity. Unlikely chronic rhinitis, which only needs to prick the most swollen region to treat the condition, allergic rhinitis requires the entire nasal mucosa to be pricked. The hypersensitive conditions can be improved by exhaustive pricking, as if every cell in the nasal mucosa needs to be cared for. The patient's cooperation to the treatment brought near-to-perfect cure. She occasionally visits the clinic to receive acupuncture to treat her infrequent sneezing. 
If you wish to know more about case studies, rhinitis, sinusitis and methods that 
help treat those symptoms through acupuncture therapy which recovers your
fundamental conditions. Please go to www. amazon. com and buy my new book 
that contains 25 years of experience as an OMD. 

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