Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sinus Treatment - You can cure snoring or slepp apnea by Korean Medicine

Sinus Treatment - Snoring without surgery (Dr. Lee's Treatment)

Hello everyone. Today I am going to talk about causes of snoring.
I guess those who plan to get married soon might ponder on this issue. A lot of people might think of a getting surgery in order to remove this symptom. Yet, you can heal this problem through acupuncture therapy specially organized by Dr. Yi, who's been
working on nasal related problems for more 25 years.

<me, at the Clinic Cosoom>

On Snoring 

Snoring is a sign, indicating the narrowed respiratory pathway. Breathing can be described as a phenomenon, consists of the contraction of the diaphragm to expand the lungs as balloons to introduce the air into the lungs. In that process, if there is any constricted section exists between the nostrils and lungs, the air flow can vibrate any movable parts which can generate snoring.
However, no snorers ever snore while awake. The reason why snoring only occurs during asleep lies in the degree of muscle tension. During awake, the body's muscles are tensed up, not yielding to the faster air flow to vibrate, however, muscles become relaxed during sleeping, more susceptible to vibration and making a snoring sound.
Causes of Snoring

It is common to define anything that narrows the respiratory tract regarded as a cause for snoring. Commonly the nose, the region posterior to the uvula and the back of the tongue are prone to constriction. 
The reasons for snoring according to the parts are as followed.  
The nose serves as a critical gateway in breathing. The causes that blocks the gateway include: acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps and sinusitis.
During childhood or adolescence, the adenoid can become engorged to restrict the airway. The adenoid is located right behind the nose, once enlarged, it blocks the nose severely during asleep, inducing snoring.
The blocking by the soft palate is another common cause, since it is the most susceptible part to vibrate. When the uvula or other palate tissues hang lose, the respiratory way becomes easily narrowed. While this is more common to obese people, it can also happen to the slim-shaped with stretched palate tissues or have wide wrinkles in the back of the uvula.
On both sides of the palate, tonsils are located. Those were commonly known to degenerate as people pass their adolescence, however, not inconsiderable number of adults still have them. Since they are located on the lateral sides of the respiratory tract, large tonsils can easily block the respiratory tract.
Adult obesity could be another cause. The tissues surrounding the respiratory tract can be filled with fats, narrowing the air way in the nasal cavity and sinuses, along with the pharynx, larynx which are also parts of the air way.
Another part that can cause obstruction is the back part of the tongue. People with normal respiratory tract does not experience obstructed airway when they lie on their back, however, people with larger tongues or pushed-back tongues might have constricted respiratory tract.
The facial skeleton could be one of the structural problems causing snoring. Narrow, recessed and protruding jaws belong to this structural problems. Narrow jawed people may suffer from restricted airway from having their relatively larger tongues being pushed back by the jaw.
As a part of normal aging process, muscle elasticity can diminish, inducing snoring. Also, chronic snoring can damage the uvula and palate tissues by its vibration (not just damaging the sensory cells, but elasticity in the muscles). This in turn, maintaining the clear airway more difficult.
We have covered the possible causes that can induce snoring from various parts, beginning from the nostrils, entire nasal cavity, soft palate, larynx, and the respiratory tract. Among those, would not there be a cause that holds greater importance that is worth noting. 

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